Financial Support & Fellowships

Support for your studies

We offer five-year financial packages to all admitted students. Funding comes in the form of graduate assistantships or associate instructor positions, which provide a stipend, health insurance, and a tuition remission. Most first- and second-year students assist a faculty member with an undergraduate class as a graduate assistant. The stipend for the 2023-24 academic year (two semesters) is $22,000.

Most of our students in the third year and beyond serve as instructors for their own courses or receive support in the form of grants or fellowships. 

Additional IU funding opportunities

Numerous fellowships and awards are offered through other programs and administrative bodies on the IU campus. Departmental nomination is required for some awards offered through the College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Office and the University Graduate School.

The Sociology Graduate Affairs Committee requires Sociology graduate students to submit applications at least ten working days prior to the nomination deadlines. Our department's ten day rule gives our faculty time to carefully review applications, select or rank nominations, write a letter on behalf of the department, and deliver them to the appropriate office.

In addition to IU's numerous area studies centers and specialized research institutes, here are some of the IU organizations that routinely provide funding for IU Sociology graduate students: