Lindesmith-Mullins Fellowship

Lindesmith-Mullins Fellowship


This award has been endowed by several donors in honor of Alfred Lindesmith, a longtime faculty member at IU, and Elizabeth Ione Mullins, who received her Ph.D. from our department in 1975. The Lindesmith-Mullins Fellowship is the most prestigious departmental prize. It recognizes excellence in research.


To apply, you must be working on your dissertation during the fellowship year. This fellowship does not cover tuition fees. Students who apply should be eligible for G901. There may be multiple recipients in any year.


The fellowship provides support for two semesters. The amount of the stipend varies from year to year, and it will be approximately equal to the amount given by the College’s Dissertation Year Research Fellowship. The fellowship covers fees associated with enrollment in the mandatory health insurance plan.

The stipend is adjusted downward to compensate for concurrent sources of fellowship or scholarship funding, but in all cases recipients may retain the Lindesmith-Mullins as an honorific award and they will receive total funding no less than the Lindesmith-Mullins stipend.

Materials to submit
  1. curriculum vitae
  2. research statement (no longer than four pages, single-spaced) that describes the applicant’s research trajectory, focusing on past accomplishments and on specific plans for work to be conducted during the fellowship year
  3. copies of research publications
  4. copies of unpublished scholarship (papers under review or being readied for submission, presentations at professional meetings)
Criteria for selection (listed in order of descending importance)
  1. quality of research accomplishments to date
  2. quality of the proposed program of future research
  3. potential for a successful research career in sociology
Application deadline

The deadline to apply is January 15. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Graduate Recruitment and Evaluation Committee.


Submission Instructions

Apply for the “IUB-Elizabeth Ione Mullins Fellowship” opportunity via IU Scholarships at