The Workshop in Sociology at Indiana University (pronounced WiSIU – whizz-you or just whizz!) brings together faculty and graduate students from Sociology and other social science departments to discuss current work, especially work in progress and emerging research agendas. The scope of WiSIU is, by design, deliberately broad and inclusive. Meetings are organized around one or a pair of presentations by Sociology faculty, graduate students at all stages of study, and visiting speakers, alongside participants from other IU departments or schools. The workshop explores diverse topics including (but not limited to) studies in the sociology of race, class and gender, health and medicine, social psychology, sexuality, education, religion, political sociology, cultural and economic sociology.
WiSIU brings together under a shared departmental umbrella scholarship that was previously presented in three different forums: the Social Psychology, Health and Life Course Workshop (SHeL), the Political, Economic and Cultural Workshop (PEC), and the Gender, Race, and Class Workshop (GRC).
WiSIU meets most Fridays, fall and spring, 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
We welcome participation by all sociologists and other interested scholars.
For more information, contact Koji Chavez or Celene Reynolds.