Sociological Research Practicum

Sociological Research Practicum

All students are required to complete an independent research paper, known as the empirical paper through our Sociology Research Practicum (SRP) series. Preparing this empirical paper includes formulating a research question, identifying a theoretical framework and/or conceptual background, analyzing (and possibly collecting) data, and writing it up. This empirical paper is required of all students – whether or not they enter the program with a Masters degree. This paper is often used later as the basis for participation in S700 (the publishing course) and may ultimately be published in a sociology journal.

Practicum details

The empirical paper is completed through enrollment in the Sociological Research Practicum (SRP), which is a three-course series bridging the first and second years: 

  1. S566: SRP I - Spring of first year
  2. S567: SRP II - Summer between first and second year
  3. S568: SRP III - Fall of second year 

A faculty instructor teaches S566 and S568, while Clinical Associate Professor Emily Meanwell teaches S567 during the first six-week summer session. Students do not have to be in residence in Bloomington in the summer when taking S567. 

The empirical paper must be approved by three readers. Typically, the faculty instructor who teaches S566 and S568 serves as the first reader. Students will choose a second reader from among the faculty in consultation with the faculty instructor. The S567 instructor, Clinical Associate Professor Emily Meanwell, serves as a third reader. (Alternatively, the faculty instructor may serve as second reader and another faculty member as first reader if circumstances warrant. For example, if a student’s empirical paper requires methodological or substantive expertise that another faculty member is uniquely suited to provide.) Approval of the empirical paper is documented with an email from the first reader to the Graduate Administrative Assistant and the DGS with a cc of the second and third readers.

The empirical paper should be approved by the end of the Fall semester of the second year when students complete S568. Students have until the beginning of their third year though, which gives another semester and summer to complete the paper while remaining in good academic standing. Students who do not complete this milestone by the beginning of their third year will be placed on academic probation and are at risk of losing department funding. If circumstances warrant a further extension, however, the student may request that academic probation be deferred with the approval of their First Reader.

Interested in learning about past projects?

This version of the SRP and universal empirical paper requirement began with the cohort entering the program in Fall 2024. Previously, the SRP requirement included participation in a faculty-led research project. You can learn about past faculty-led projects run through the Sociological Research Practicum on the Karl F. Schuessler Institute for Social Research’s website.

View past projects