Glen D. and Dorothy E. Stewart Family Scholarship

Glen D. and Dorothy E. Stewart Family Scholarship


This scholarship was endowed by Cynthia Stewart Simon and William E. Simon, Jr., in honor of Cynthia Simon’s parents and family. Cindy Simon earned her B.A. in Sociology from Indiana University Bloomington in 1977. The scholarship is awarded to a graduate student whose career objective is to remain in the field of sociology as a teacher in a college or university. The Stewart Family Scholarship is the most prestigious departmental prize that recognizes excellence in teaching.


Only students who will be working on their dissertation during the year of the scholarship are eligible. This scholarship does not cover tuition fees, so students who apply must be G901-eligible. Applicants must have already taught for the department as an associate instructor.


The recipient(s) will receive support for one or two semesters, and there may be multiple recipients in any year. The amount of the stipend varies from year to year; the total amount given will be approximately equal to the semester equivalent of the College’s Dissertation Year Research Fellowship. If the recipient(s) choose to enroll in the voluntary health insurance plan, the department will cover those fees as part of the scholarship award.

The stipend is adjusted downward to compensate for concurrent sources of fellowship or scholarship funding, but in all cases recipients may retain the Stewart Family Scholarship as an honorific award and they will receive total funding no less than the Stewart Family Scholarship stipend.

Materials to submit
  1. curriculum vitae
  2. teaching dossier, including list of courses taught (showing number of students enrolled), syllabi and other handouts, course evaluations, evidence of pedagogical activities outside the classroom, and a one-page, single-spaced statement of your teaching goals and philosophy (including a self-evaluation of your teaching effectiveness)
  3. evidence of research accomplishments, including a one-page abstract of the dissertation proposal, published papers, manuscripts submitted for publication, papers read at professional meetings
Criteria for selection

Excellence in teaching is the primary criterion for this scholarship. Potential to secure a teaching position at a college or university as reflected in research accomplishments is also important.

Application deadline

The deadline to apply is January 15. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Graduate Recruitment and Evaluation Committee.


Submission Instructions

Apply for the “IUB- Glen D. and Dorothy E. Stewart Family Scholarship” opportunity via IU Scholarships at