This research examines how intergroup contact experiences--including both their frequency and their qualities (friendly, discriminatory)--predict indicators of welcoming among U.S.-born and immigrant groups. Analyzing a new survey of U.S.-born groups (whites and blacks) and immigrant groups (Mexicans and Indians) from the Atlanta and Philadelphia metropolitan areas, we examine welcoming as a key dimension of social integration. Results consistently demonstrated that greater contact frequency predicted greater tendencies to welcome, and to feel welcomed by, each of the other groups.
How Contact Experiences Shape Welcoming Perspectives from US-Born and Immigrant Groups
How Contact Experiences Shape Welcoming Perspectives from US-Born and Immigrant Groups![Click to see the full size cover](../../images/publications/american-sociological-quarterly-vol81.jpg)
- Linda Tropp, Dina Okamoto, Helen Marrow, Michael Jones-Correa
- Publication Date