We were saddened to hear that Rudy Professor Emeritus David R. Heise passed away last September 28 following a brief illness. He is survived by his wife Elsa Lewis and his son Stephen, and he will be missed by many of his colleagues and former students. David joined our department in 1981 and retired in 2002 while maintaining an active research agenda. Among his many awards and honors, David was the recipient of the 1998 Cooley-Mead Award for Lifetime Achievements from the ASA Section on Social Psychology, the 2002 Lifetime Achievement Award from the ASA Section on Emotions, the 2010 Harrison White Outstanding Book Award and the 2010 James S. Coleman Distinguished Career Award from the ASA Section on Mathematical Sociology, and the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Academy for Intercultural Research. More recently, David’s achievements were celebrated at a conference in his honor at Indiana University in October 2019. The papers from that conference, including his final article, are scheduled to appear in a special issue of American Behavioral Scientist in 2022. The ASA Section on the Sociology of Emotions is planning to honor him at the meetings next summer and an obituary will appear soon in ASA Footnotes.