Anna Mueller

Anna Mueller

Luther Dana Waterman Associate Professor, Sociology


  • Ph.D., Sociology, University of Texas at Austin, 2011
  • M.A., Sociology, University of Texas at Austin, 2005
  • B.A., Economics & Women's Studies, Wellesley College, 2002

Selected publications

Mueller, Anna S., Sarah Diefendorf, Seth Abrutyn, Katie A. Beardall, Robert Gallagher, J’Mauri Jackson, Yingjian Liang, et al. 2021. “Strategies to Prevent Suicide in Schools and Communities.” SocArXiv. October 12. doi:10.31235/ (Executive Summary, translated to Spanish, available here, link for the main file)

Mueller, Anna S., Seth Abrutyn, Bernice Pescosolido, and Sarah Diefendorf. 2021. “The Social Roots of Suicide: Theorizing how the External Social World matters to Suicide and Suicide Prevention.” Frontiers in Psychology (Psychopathology Section) 12(763). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.621569

Mueller, Anna S. and Seth Abrutyn. 2015. “Suicidal Disclosures among Friends: Using Social Network Data to Understand Suicide Contagion.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 56(1): 131-148. 

Mueller, Anna S. & Seth Abrutyn. 2016. “Adolescents under Pressure: A New Durkheimian Framework for Understanding Adolescent Suicide in a Cohesive Community.” American Sociological Review 81(5): 877-899.

Mueller, Anna S., Tania M. Jenkins, Melissa Osborne, Arjun Dayal, Daniel M. O’Connor, and Vineet M. Arora. 2017. “Gender Differences in Attending Physicians’ Feedback for Residents in an Emergency Medical Residency Program: A Qualitative Analysis.” Journal of Graduate Medical Education 9(5): 577-585.

Mueller, Anna S. 2017. “Does the Media Matter to Suicide?: Examining the Social Dynamics surrounding Media Reporting on Suicide in a Suicide-Prone Community.” Social Science & Medicine 180: 152-159. DOI:

Mueller, Anna S., Seth Abrutyn and Melissa Osborne. 2017. “Durkheim’s Suicide in the Zombie Apocalypse.” Contexts 16(2): 133-143.