Sheldon Stryker Graduate Research Grant

Sheldon Stryker Graduate Research Grant


This award, funded by the Sheldon Stryker Graduate Scholarship Fund, is intended to provide one-time support to a research project that promises to significantly advance a Sociology graduate student's research agenda. Graduate students may receive up to $1,000 to cover research expenses, such as respondent recruitment, transcription, travel related to data collection, and other activities directly related to the proposed research. Travel to conferences, normal living expenses, tuition/fees, routine supplies, and computers are not supported by this award. Collaborative projects between faculty and graduate students are not eligible for funding; collaborative projects among graduate students will be considered.


Sociology graduate students conducting independent research that involves unusual research expenses.


Graduate students may receive up to $1,000 to cover research expenses, such as respondent recruitment, transcription, travel related to data collection, and other activities directly related to the proposed research. Travel to conferences, normal living expenses, tuition/fees, routine supplies and computers, are not supported by this award. Collaborative projects between faculty and graduate students are not eligible for funding; collaborative projects among graduate students will be considered.

Materials to submit
  1. curriculum vitae
  2. a 1-2, single-spaced page description of the proposed research and its role in advancing the student's research agenda
  3. project timeline
  4. IRB approval letter (or evidence that an IRB application has been submitted)
  5. a detailed budget including a written justification for the expenses
Criteria for selection
  1. quality of proposed research
  2. quality of research accomplishments to date
  3. timely progress toward the Ph.D.
Application deadline

The deadline to apply is March 1.

Submission Instructions

Apply for the “IUB - Sheldon Stryker Graduate Scholarship” opportunity via IU Scholarships at Please also send a copy of application materials to Saundra at