Message from the Chair

Message from the chair

Spring greetings from Bloomington!

I write this note amidst the rapidly-escalating coronavirus pandemic and the many attendant disruptions to daily life. My colleagues and I are separated physically but finding ways to connect virtually. We are retooling quickly to deliver instruction online and doing all we can to provide our students with meaningful and equitable education under difficult and uncertain circumstances. As the pandemic makes global, national, and local inequities even more visible, we see how important our disciplinary perspectives are to developing effective responses to societal challenges.

In this context, I am especially pleased to share our spring newsletter, focused mostly on stories that were submitted by our alumni in February. They offer us a welcome glimpse into your lives and close the distance between us. Many, many thanks to those of you who sent information about your comings-and-goings. To those who did not submit alumni news this year, never fear: you will have another chance in spring 2021.

The strength of our department derives from our deep and abiding connections to each other: those still living in Bloomington and those who have carried the spirit of Indiana University Sociology to new locales. We hope that you enjoy the newsletter, and look forward to staying in touch!