Kasia (Katherine)  Tuzzolino

Kasia (Katherine) Tuzzolino

Graduate Student

About Kasia Tuzzolino

At what point does our society’s goal of maximizing efficiency begin to affect mental health? Drawing from Max Weber’s theory of rationalization and Emile Durkheim’s concepts of social integration, Kasia is interested in exploring how efficiency-driven ecological (e.g., workplace environments, fast-food restaurants) and technological (e.g., social media, automated customer service) entities can lead to disillusionment and increase the risk of self-harm, mood, and substance use disorders in the U.S.

Graduating from Oberlin College in 2022 with a BA in psychology and a minor in sociology, Kasia aims to use her research to combat the mental health epidemic among young people. She hopes to contribute to developing preventative measures for these issues throughout her graduate studies.